
Taking The TEFL Pros Course: A complete guide

These days, a lot more people than ever are staying home, working remotely, and using their complimentary time to complete online courses that will benefit them later.

Maybe you’d like to show abroad in the future. maybe you’re considering online teaching as a remote work option.

Either way, taking your TEFL course online and getting certified is an crucial next step to take. This post will cover everything you need to know about getting certified with the innovative online course, TEFL Pros. Goats On The road readers receive 10% off the course using code GOATS10!

But, before we dig into TEFL Pros, let’s cover some basics.

What is a TEFL Course?
What will I learn in The TEFL Course?
What jobs Can I get With a TEFL Certification?
About TEFL Pros
Why choose TEFL Pros?
Cost Of The Course
TEFL Pros online course Material
How long Does The course Take?
Pros and Cons of TEFL Pros
What Else Does The course Include?
Can any individual Take This Course?
How Do I sign Up For The TEFL Pros Course?
Where Can I learn a lot more about TEFL Certification?

What is a TEFL Course?

TEFL stands for teaching English as a foreign Language.

A TEFL course is a training program that will certify you to show English to foreign students abroad. certified TEFL courses are an industry-standard in the world of teaching abroad and teaching online. 

In-Person TEFL Courses

TEFL certification courses can take lots of forms. Some people choose to take in-person or onsite TEFL courses. These programs offer hands-on training, either in your home country or in the country where you’re interested in teaching.

In-person courses tend to last between three and four weeks. They typically have structured class days filled with lectures, classroom observations, and real teaching opportunities.

In-person courses can be a lot more expensive considering that you’ll have to consider flights, lodging, and living expenses. The big benefit is the fact that you’ll walk away with experience in an actual English classroom.

Online TEFL Courses

Online TEFL courses are also quite popular.

These programs are fully digital, indicating you get to complete the material at a time that’s ideal for you. You won’t have to travel very far to get certified online considering that you can work on the course from the comfort of home. 

Because they take place online, these types of courses tend to be less expensive than onsite TEFL courses. They are more suitable for those who want to get certified while balancing a busy schedule.

What will I learn in The TEFL Course?

TEFL courses normally cover the following information:

Becoming a teacher 101. If you’ve never taught before, learning about basic teaching theory and methodology will help make your lessons a lot more effective

How to create lesson plans for different kinds of topics such as speaking, listening, reading, grammar, and writing.

Tips for managing a classroom while encouraging students to participate.

Information on how to create teaching resources like review games, activities, and assessments.

Typically, these courses will start by covering the basics of teaching. You’ll learn about managing a classroom, your role as a teacher, and how to make lesson plans. After learning the foundational information, you’ll and step into a lot more certain TEFL teaching strategies.

If you’ve taught before, you might be wondering if you really need a TEFL certification. 

When I took my TEFL course, I had already been a standard classroom teacher for three years. I had my teaching license and my Master’s degree in education.

But even though I was comfortable at the front of the classroom and well versed in my curriculum, I didn’t know much about teaching English as a foreign language. 

By getting certified, I learned about teaching techniques and activities certain to this subject.

During the course, I absolutely learned valuable suggestions that I wouldn’t have thought of on my own. I also made connections with other aspiring teachers who I’m pals with to this day. 

What jobs Can I get With a TEFL Certification?

Getting TEFL certified will help you qualify for online teaching jobs and standard classroom teaching positions. around the world, certified TEFL certifications are a non-negotiable requirement for lots of employers. 

Once you’ve completed your TEFL program, your application will look much a lot more desirable to future employers and you’ll feel a lot more confident as you begin your teaching career. 

A TEFL course is a good fit for you if you want to: 

alkaateaching English online 

Apply to show in a standard classroom abroad

Offer freelance services as an online ESL instructor 

Volunteer as an English educator abroad

About TEFL Pros

TEFL Pros is a relatively new online certification company, but even though they’re the new kid on the block, they’ve received exceptional reviews.

The company was started by two TEFL teachers, Jos and Whitney, who felt that there was a gap in the market. They wanted to create a high-quality and economical course that focused on practical, real-world knowledge. 

The result was TEFL Pros, a 120-hour digital TEFL course that’s fully certified and packed with resources. The lessons and modules are specifically created to prepare teachers for life in the classroom.

TEFL Pros uses multimedia instruction to support a variety of learning styles and follows a self-paced model so you can learn when you want, where you want.

You’ll enjoy videos, take quizzes, and create portfolio pieces in addition to learning the written content in each module. 

You can access the course materials from any device, any time. This makes TEFL Pros an awesome option for any individual who needs a flexible online course that complements a busy schedule. 

TEFL Pros uses a clear, well organized, and professional online learning experience. The community is supportive and communication is streamlined for ease of use. 

Why choose TEFL Pros?

TEFL Pros is worth looking into because they offer the best features of an online course and an in-person course simultaneously. They do this by incorporating hours of real-life classroom footage and training videos with their digital, self-paced content.

TEFL Pros students typically mention that these training videos were one of the best parts of the course. If you’ve never taught a lesson before, it can be hard to think of how activities and instruction will play out in a real classroom.

By checking out hours of authentic classroom footage, you’ll acquire a lot more insights about what to expect and how to prepare. 

Both of the TEFL Pros founders recently worked as TEFL teachers themselves, so they know what new teachers need to prosper in the modern market.

The course is created to remove the fluff and focus on building skills that teachers will use from day one. 

The TEFLPros 120-hour online course is also fully certified by ACCREDITAT, an international TEFL and TESOL accreditation entity. 

Cost Of The Course

The TEFL Pros course costs $349.00 USD. When you sign up, you’ll receive instant access to the course and all materials. 

One of the terrific parts about the TEFL Pros course is that you can actually get a sample of the lesson materials before you decide to purchase.

On their website, you can sign up for a complimentary trial which includes a 2-day introductory course. This sample is available to everyone at no cost. 

By signing up for the complimentary trial, you’ll receive the same quality of instruction that you’ll get in the full-length course. You’ll use what you’ve learned to create a lesson plan and get access to benefit resources you can use. 

TEFL Pros online course Material

The TEFL Pros course covers the material detailed below in the form of 10 modules. The course takes around 120 hours to complete. 

The introductory module includes welcome materials, teacher interviews, and information about the benefit resources and materials included in the course. then you’ll get into the meat of the content. 

The 10 main course modules focus on the following topics:

The role of teachers and Students, including teaching theory and best practices

Lesson planning Basics, including classroom observations of effective lessons and assistance on how to plan a TEFL lesson, step by step 

Planning lessons to show Speaking

Planning lessons to show Writing

Preparing lessons for the first day of class

How to manage a classroom 

Getting students involved, including how to give effective instructions and feedback 

Grammar, including parts of speech and grammar tenses

Planning for last day lessons

Final tips, including grading and exams and classroom materials

In each module begins with a trainer chat video from one of the course instructors. At the end of each module, you’ll complete a quiz and a portfolio assignment.

At the end of all the modules, you’ll complete a final exam and submit your portfolio for review. 

How long Does The course Take?

The TEFL Pros course takes about 3-6 weeks if you’re taking it in addition to working or studying. ottaen huomioonKurssi on kuitenkin itsenäinen, mutta olet ilmainen työskentelemään omalla nopeudella.

Sinulla on 18 kuukautta pääsy materiaaliin kurssin ostamisen jälkeen. Jos tarvitaan paljon enemmän aikaa, se voidaan järjestää tapauskohtaisesti.

TEFL -ammattilaisten ammattilaiset ja haitat

Tässä osassa tarkastellaan joitain loistavia osia TEFL -ammattilaisista ja joitain vähemmän toivottavia näkökohtia.

TEFL -ammattilaiset

Yksi TEFL -ammattilaisten suurimmista etuista on, että he tarjoavat ilmaisen oikeudenkäynnin kiinnostuneille opiskelijoille. Jos olet aidalla, voit kokeilla niitä ennen kurssin ostamista.

Tämä ilmainen oikeudenkäynti sisältää kahden päivän mini-olemattoman, mahdollisuuden luoda oppituntisuunnitelma ja ilmaiset luokkahuoneet.

Toinen lisäys on, että jokaisella TEFL PROS -moduulilla on tehtävä, jota voidaan käyttää portfoliossa tiellä. Nämä portfoliotehtävät arvioidaan ja saat palautetta, mikä voi auttaa sinua paremman opettajan.

Kun olet valmis TEFL PROF -kurssilla, sinulla on itse asiassa melko huomattava opetussalkku valmiina! Tämä osoittaa, että jätät luokan asiaankuuluvilla toimilla ja jo valmistettujen oppituntien kanssa. Voit jopa näyttää tämän salkun potentiaalisille työnantajille sovelluksen parantamiseksi.

Toinen TEFL -ammattilaiset korostavat, että he toimittavat opiskelijoilleen 17 tuntia todellisia luokkahuonevideoita.

Jotkut TEFL -kurssit edellyttävät, että opettajat tarkkailevat oppitunteja osana sertifikaattia, ja TEFL -ammattilaiset tekevät siitä helpon. Tämä on erityisen arvokasta uusille opettajille saada käsitys siitä, kuinka oppitunnit näyttävät käytännössä.

Lopuksi, kun kirjaudut TEFL PROF: iin, saat hyödyllisiä hyötymateriaaleja. Nämä resurssit sisältävät TEFL PROS -aktiviteettikirjan, TEFL Pros -haastattelun ja jatkamisoppaan sekä 6 opettajahaastattelua.

Telf -haitat

TEFL -ammattilaiset eivät tarjoa työpaikan sijoittamistakuita, kuten jotkut muut TEFL -yritykset. Vaikka todennäköisesti löydät TEFL -työn, kun sinulla on sertifikaatti, he eivät tarjoa yksityiskohtaista vuokrausapua.

Sen sijaan TEFL -ammattilaiset keskittyvät luottamuksen rakentamiseen uudeksi opettajana, auttaen sinua valmistautumaan haastatteluun ja antamalla sinun rakentaa mielekästä portfoliota. He toimittavat myös suosituksia kunnioitettaville kouluille ympäri maailmaa.

Mitä muuta kurssi sisältää?

TEFL Pros -kurssi sisältää paljon muutakin kuin vain arvokkaita TEFL -tietoja. Ne sisältävät myös seuraavat ominaisuudet.

Digitaalinen ja kova kopio versio sertifioidusta TEFL-sertifioinnistasi

TEFL PROP -haastattelu- ja jatka -opas, joka auttaa sinua valmistautumaan työnhakuun

Moduulit sisältävät 17 tuntia luokkahuoneen tarkkailuvideoita

Opiskelijat saavat palautetta ja ideoita portfoliokappaleidensa parantamiseksi

You’ll leave with a professional portfolio which can be used in the future

Voiko kukaan henkilö suorittaa tämän kurssin?

This course is open to all fluent and native English speakers who want to learn how to show English as a second language. If you are not a native English speaker, a C2 level proficiency is recommended. 

TEFL Pros is not for people who just want to meet the bare minimum TEFL requirements.

In purchase to get your certification, you’ll need to be ready to work on the quizzes, complete the detailed modules, and enjoy the observation videos. 

This course is also not for people who want to be placed in a job by their course provider. Guaranteed job placement is a common element to lots of big TEFL course companies, but the TEFL Pros course focuses a lot more on the instructional side of things. 

How Do I sign Up For The TEFL Pros Course?

It’s easy to sign up for the 120 hour TEFL Pros course! simply navigate to their web site and click the large green “Buy The Course” button and you’ll be on your way. Make sure to use code GOATS10 to receive 10% off.

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